BE IT KNOWN, that people with devotion and affection for Chrysler
Corporation vehicles from 1910 to present, hereafter referred to as Mopar vehicles, do hereby associate themselves as a club
and the following are their Articles of Association and Bylaws:
Article I
The club shall henceforth be called the Heartland Mopar Club (HMC).
Article II
The purpose for which the club is formed are the following to wit:
a To promote cooperative efforts in the solution of common automotive problems,
b. To promote growth through experience, education and training, and
c. To promote and provide recognition of individual efforts.
All for the encouragement, dedication, enlightenment and appreciation for Mopar vehicles.
Article III
The club is a nonprofit organization which may be incorporated as such if it is necessary in
accordance with the statue laws of Illinois regulating the formation and organization of corporations.
Articles IV
Sec.1 - Membership: Membership in this club is composed of the following:
a) Active Membership - Active Membership shall be owners or persons with interest in Mopar vehicles
1. Family Membership
2. Individual Membership
b) Association Membership - Association Membership shall be restricted to groups or entities
representing interests directly or indirectly related to the dedication and appreciation of Mopar vehicles with limited member
c) Honorary Membership - Honorary Membership shall be individuals, groups, or entities representing
interests directly or indirectly related to the dedication and appreciation of Mopar vehicles, and shall be conferred by a
majority vote of the active members in a regular meeting. All honorary members shall be vested with the privileges of active
Sec. 2 - Application of Membership: Application for new membership shall be on forms provided
by the club. The complete form, together with the membership fee, shall be submitted to the Secretary.
Article V
Sec. 1 - All members shall be entitled to the following privileges and benefits:
a) All active Members shall have the sole exclusive right to vote, and at no time shall voting
by proxy be permitted. On any issue, subject to a vote, approval shall be by a simple majority of the active members present.
1. Family Privileges: Voting limited to maximum of two votes per household.
2. Individual Privileges: Voting limited to one vote.
b) All family/individual members shall be entitled to the privileges of the floor for discussion
at all meetings.
c) Association Members shall not have voting privileges.
Article VI
Sec. -1 The annual dues for either Active Members shall be as established by the club and payable
on the anniversary date of membership.
Sec.-2 No dues shall be collected at any time from Honorary Members.
Sec.-3 The Editor shall mail out the annual dues renewal notices to all members on the anniversary date of
membership. The annual dues shall be collected by the Treasurer. Editor shall compile a membership listing, which will be
forwarded to the Secretary. Updating the membership list shall be on going and is available to all members.
Article VII
Sec. - 1 The monthly meeting of the club shall be on the second Thursday of every month. January shall be
the beginning of each club year. Any appropriate date within the month by necessity may be set for such monthly meeting upon
approval by the officers and due notification of all members.
Article VIII
Sec. - 1 Officers - All officers shall be elected from the club's Active Membership of good standing.
The officers of the club shall consist of a President, Secretary/Vice President, Treasurer, and Editor.
Sec. - 2 Tenure - Each elected officer shall serve a tenure of 2 years, beginning upon election during the
January meeting of every other year. The offices of President and Editor shall be elected on even numbered years, the offices
of Secretary/Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected on odd numbered years.
Sec. - 3 Duties of the President - The President shall preside at all meetings of the club and shall appoint/replace
all chairpersons and members of committees not otherwise specifically provided for herein. He/she shall perform all other
and such usual duties as are performed by the president of an organization.
Sec.-4 Duties of the Vice President- The Vice President shall act and perform the duties of the President
during the latter’s incapacity to fulfill the functions of his/her office.
Sec. - 5 Duties of the Secretary - The Secretary shall keep the minutes and records of meeting as required
and perform such official duties as are generally performed by the secretary of an organization. The Secretary shall assist
the officers in conduct of their office.
Sec. - 6 Duties of the Treasurer - The Treasurer shall receive, disburse and supervise the financial affairs
of the club in accordance with the provision of these bylaws and approved expenditures as directed by the officers. He/she
will submit an oral report of his/her activities at each meeting, with a written financial report submitted during the first
quarter of the fiscal year for the previous fiscal year.
Sec. -7 Duties of the Editor - The Editor shall conduct correspondence of the club, including but not limited
to the club newsletter and renewal notices. The Editor is responsible for maintaining the membership directory.
Article IX
At the November meeting of every other year, the President shall appoint a nominating Committee consisting
of at least three active members of good standing. The committee will be charged with recommending to the club a slate of
qualified candidates for each elective post. The same slate may be added to by the actual nominations from the floor during
the election day. The President will appoint one member as chairperson. The Committee shall function in the same manner whenever
a vacancy is to be filled.
Article X
All amendments to these bylaws must be proposed at regular session in writing, read before the membership,
and laid over until the next regular meeting before a vote can be taken on their adoption. A two-thirds vote of all members
present shall be necessary for any change, addition, or deletion to these bylaws.